Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Late Spring Schedule Descriptions

Help us out! We worked on this a bit in the meeting, but we've got to have it done by Thursday morning. We'll probably lock ourselves in the program office again, work through the night fueling up on pizza and caffeine, only to be trumped by the editorial process and weeks late anyway... So write stuff now! You've all read the schedule descriptions of the past, now you can write the descriptions of the future.
Here's the list:
-I'm Not There
-The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
-There Will Be Blood
-The Royal Tenenbaums
-Mystery Science Theater 3000
-Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
-Sweeney Todd
-I am Legend
-Charlie Wilson's War
-Walk Hard (Cloverfield Backup)
Audience Pick Ballot:
-Almost Famous
-Being John Malkovich

1 comment:

Megan Shank-Beebe said...

Sweeny Todd:

There's no place like London and no movie like Sweeny Todd! Follow Todd (Johnny Depp) as he and 'his friends' seek revenge for crimes done to him in the past. Plenty of gore and meatpies for all!

The Diving Bell:
In the blink of an eye Jean-Dominique Bauby had a stroke and acquired a rare condition called "locked in syndrome" where everything but his left eye was paralyzed. Instead of letting it destroy his life, our witty funny hero decides to write a book...by blinking.