Saturday, February 23, 2008

Boogie Nights

So almost full, which isn't bad for having no midnight last week, the stormy weather, and a power outage the last time we had a midnight.

Gus says "We had 863 people attend tonight, several of which stayed after Enchanted to see Boogie Nights. My porn name is Midnight Sycamore. Good night and good luck."

Also, need votes for our last midnight movie of the semester!
The four choices are:
Almost Famous
Being John Malkovich

Right now the choices are really close. Exit polls show Almost Famous and Spaceballs in the lead, so if make sure to tell people to ask about voting.

Sleebies on Sunday! Now we find out who is considered the best in each category, such as "Best Theater Staffer," "Most Absent Film Committee Member," and "Slowest Employee," among others.

Side note: Mary Beth has survived her two days with me, on Saturday she moves on to work with someone else.

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