If there's any genre I prefer, for no particular reason, it's sci-fi/horror. This goes all the way back to Event Horizon, which I saw 5 times in the theater, tying with my best friend. I know about two-thirds of them are crap anyway, and I really wasn't expecting much from Doomsday, but alas I was compelled as usual.
It started off with a lot of narration and visuals to help explain everything, which was helpful. These two things go away after 15 minutes and I can only wonder if the budget was short. Anyway, the narrator starts off by explaining that this movie is like all the other movies you've seen already: a virus breaks out yadda yadda... survivors... you get the point. The difference is that there aren't a bunch of dead, half dead, or angry people running around mindlessly killing people. This movie only deals with the living. Hence after cordoning off half of the UK, leaving a wall separating the infected from the non-infected, life returns to normal. You know, unemployment, riots, etc. Well, naturally the virus springs up again. Luckily, satellite photographs show survivors on the other side of the wall, meaning perhaps there is a cure.
This is where the movie veered slightly to show a bunny get blasted, which I couldn't help but break into laughter. Little did I know I'd be laughing myself to tears in another hour. For awhile I thought the film was going overboard as the survivors are all punks, complete with tattoos, body art, and baseball bats. The gimp seemed to be quite excessive, as well. Then at some point you just go with it.
Like most midnight movies, there is the debate about good and evil, yet this movie went a bit further. Sooner or later it becomes clear the good and evil don't matter, only existing matters, and the rights there of. Essentially what started off like any other sci-fi movie turned into a brawl with reckless abandon. I figure that the writer simply threw in any ideas he thought of and didn't stop to think about throwing any out. One thing is certain, I haven't laughed this much at the movies for quite some time. I give it 5 out of 5 stars, because as bad a sci-fi movie as it was, it didn't disappoint in terms of pure entertainment. If anyone else is going to see this, let me know, I'd love to see IT 5 times.
1 comment:
I may actually want to see this one. One neat thing about the punks that was mentioned in Fangoria (and you know a movie is going to be bad when it's featured in Fangoria) is that their tatoos are based on the Maori Tribe's tatoos from New Zealand, check it out!
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